Sunday, March 1, 2015

Blog Post #7

How do we all become Learners?

The videos this week were to show how teachers can still be learners. The video showed me that I have many tools at my disposal for teaching and allowing students to be their own teachers. However, since I was taught based on lectures, I will have to continuously remind myself that there are other and better ways for students to learn than just me lecturing to them. I do not totally disagree with the use of technology in the classroom because I do think it is beneficial, but I also think teachers need to maintain boundaries and a balance of technology. A strength I believe, is that I will relate to them more since I will be fresh out of school and still understand the struggle of studying and balancing things out. Some of the weaknesses I believe I will have would be wanting students to do their work my way, and with project based learning I would  have to let them explore their options.

The next two videos were very interesting,  iPad Reading and Poplet Center. In these videos, students had projects alone that allowed them do their own research and use tools that they will no doubt need in the future. The way students learn is changing constantly. Instead of the teacher being the only source for information, the students are going out and discovering for themselves. The video We All Become Learners I saw that I cannot just learn my subject and then present it to the students, its more to it than that. I learned that I have to keep learning new ways to do things to really help my students learn. I also have to be willing to let the students take on a teaching role, which I know will be very difficult for me to do.
 In the video, Audio QR Code Michelle Bennett explains how to record an audio QR code. Students can use it when reading a book that was pre-recorded. Imovie and Alabama Virtual Library, Dr. Strange asks Michelle Bennett and Elizabeth Davis to share about Imovie and AVL and how children in kindergarden are using these many programs. The students use Imovie to make book trailers just like we did in class as a project. While the students learn, the teachers are also learning. Dr. Strange loves to say, "Teachers will never know everything there is to know about everything!" Teachers will teach the students and the students will sometimes have the opportunity to teach the teacher, and I believe this will always be accurate. Our education doesn't just stop at college, its an ongoing thing.

1 comment:

  1. Chalandra, I agree with your statement that children should use technology as a tool. It should not be used as an exclusive method of children learning. I am glad to see you understood this as well. Good Blogging!
