Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blog Post #9

What Can Teachers and Students Teach Us About Project Based Learning?

The first video I watched was Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning by  John Larmer and John R. Mergendoller list the main points for project base learning. In the video Larmer and Mergendoller say, "A project is meaningful if it fulfills two criteria. First, students must perceive the work as personally meaningful, as a task that matters and that they want to do well. Second, a meaningful project fulfills an educational purpose. Well-designed and well-implemented project-based learning is meaningful in both ways."The website helped me understand the difference from doing projects and understanding projects. This not only teaches us how to present project-based learning as teachers, but it also presents how to make learning meaningful to the students.


1. A Need To Know
 -This step taught me that you need to give a purpose for students to learn from a project, and not just to do it for a good grade
 2.  A Driving Question
-A good driving question needs to clearly capture the core of the project that gives the students a challenge and sense of purpose.  Without the driving question, the students may not understand why they are doing this project and what they are supposed to learn from it.
3. Student Voice and Choice
- Teachers need to design a project that allows the student to choose a style that fits them and and their learning style. Then students should also be able to choose a topic to study within the the general driving question and choose how to design, create, and present products.
4. 21st Century Skills
-This step was a not a surprise to me. We have to be up to date on our technology skills, since that is what our students will be working with.
5. Inquiry and Innovation
-This drives students to form new questions on their own. Since questions are the basis of all learning, these students are truly using their skills to become better learners. With new inquiries come new answers. Instead of finding someone else's answer in a book or online, students can come up with their own answers when they begin asking new questions.
6. Feedback and Revision
- Students need to learn that revision is something your gonna have to deal with all your life in the real world because it is often that people's first attempt isn't gonna be their best. Revision is a part of life, and feedback must be taken and used to improve what we are doing.
7. A Publicly Presented Project
-When students realize that their work is going to be seen outside of the classroom, the work they does tends to be of much higher quality.


The next video this week to watch was Project Based Learning for Teachers by Tony Vincent. This video put an importance on  Project Based Learning's ability to incorporate  technology and make students the center of their own learning, which is what PBL is all about. It addresses the key parts of PBL;a driving question, an audience, and extended amounts of time for students to work.

Next was PBL: What motivates students today, by Suzanne Bell. In this video, students explain different techniques that motivate them. A few of my favorites are the classroom money, the candy, and the verbal rewarding. This video was really good, because it showed what motivates students to keep going. It had some great tips to use for when I become a teacher.

Two students solve the case of the watery ketchup by designing a new cap, was another video we watched by Lindsey Float. This video was really cool to watch. Richards and Thompson were two seniors who designed a new cap to stop the ketchup problem. It amazed me that two students invented something to fix a problem. It shows what PBL can really do for students. Using project based learning, the teacher was pleased.

Project Based Learning in PE was the last video by Pflug. This article showed hat not only can teachers that teach core subjects such as: Math, Science, History, and English use project based learning but also PE teachers. It explains that you can challenge students in PE to become healthier by allowing different projects. It also had the students take the lead and coach their own peers.

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