Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blog Post 8

What Can We Learn About Teaching and Learning From Randy Pausch?

In his Last Lecture Randy Pausch makes  great points about learning and teaching. He had cancer which is why the video is called his Last Lecture. One of the first things that he exclaims is that anything is possible! . In this video, which is to be expected response from a dying man, is that I learned a lot about not only teaching and learning but also to  live every moment like its your last and have fun.

Teachers need to express to their students how important it is to want to learn and have goals/dreams. Randy talks about afterwords about the time he played football, and how he used to want to play in the NFL. You learn from Randy, that even though your dreams may be far reached, always try your best to achieve them. Because like he said before, "Anything is possible"!


From Pausch I learned to be ready for anything in my teaching career and not to be so strict and worried with life and with teaching. Even though he was giving the perspective from someone that is dying, his philosophy intertwines with what I believe in. Living life to the fullest, go for your dreams, don't worry too much and work hard.

1 comment:

  1. Chalandra,
    Great post. I really enjoyed watching Randy Pausch's Last Lecture. He is such an inspiration to educators, and I will definitely be watching that video in the future to remind me to never give up on my dreams. Your post answered the question properly for this week's blog post. You have a few minor spelling and punctuation errors that you should consider revising, such as changing advise to advice. I think you have a sentence that is double punctuated as well. Other than those very few errors, your post was excellent. Keep up the good work.
    - Corinne Shirley
